Subject: Adam Lambert News : 27/7/2011 27.07.11 0:28
Adam Lambert 'Behind The Music'
Preview Spreads The Kradam Love, Puts End To Fan Wars
Lyndsey Parker
Quote :
VH1 has just premiered a preview of the upcoming Adam Lambert "Behind The Music" special, and what strikes me the most about it--other than Adam's new tawny tan and almost Jedwardian skyscraper hairdo, both of which he unsurprisingly, totally pulls off--is all the Kradam love here.
"He was the guyliner guy, and I was the guy next door who plays guitar and sings love song to his girl. The show knew exactly what they were doing, obviously," Adam's onetime Season 8 "Idol" rival, Kris Allen, smirks in the cold open of the clip.
Charles Robbins from The Trevor Project & Joel Flatow from the RIAA present Adam with a plaque on March 10th 2011.It was to commemorate his singular devotion to inspiring and helping save young lives.