In understand you're working with Adam Lambert. What can you tell me about that?
I was writing some songs with him for his record. It was great. He's really talented. He's a super nice guy. Fun to be around. We'd met a few times before. We have mutual friends. He was easy to hang with. You throw anything at him to sing and he can sing it. Really cool experience. He's a really nice guy. Really awesome. He's very real and down to earth.
Neil Lambert read my post on The Voice on Friday, and as good brothers will do, emailed me to suggest I hadn’t been entirely fair in my characterization of Adam Lambert’s coming-out story.
Charles Robbins from The Trevor Project & Joel Flatow from the RIAA present Adam with a plaque on March 10th 2011.It was to commemorate his singular devotion to inspiring and helping save young lives.